Does everyone always feel at war with themselves? Who is winning today inside your soul? Is it the one who laughed at your brother...
Secrets Left OUT
The secrets I used to know were truly hidden from the world. Tucked away in the nape of a tree, nestled in a clandestine cave and camping...
Sweet Heart
Bloom where you are planted Settle down Find your roots Hold on to this Wait and see what the tide brings in What will be will be Fuck...
Add a Catchy Title
Do you think all anyone wants is a catchy title? Does anyone care really what is beneath the surface? Not really. But maybe that's a good...
Park-ed not in the City
With 20 days left to graduation, my mind was spinning, nay, hurtling at lighting speed to the future. And let me tell you, that future...
A Woman In Search of Her Word
I am turning 26 in 5 days and only 5 people ever saw this website that I spent days and days creating 4 years ago. It's rotting and...

Lost Connection
We've lost the love of the conversation In the pursuit of "connection" The written word has been written off As an antique-- Love letters...
Lost In Italy
One year ago I was in Italy. While I was there I wrote about it and took a lot of pictures. If you want to see some sweet photos and some...

Some days are rough pretty callus indeed And you gotta be tough, if you want to succeed. But there is hope, small as it is. It's enough...